(877) 300-7557

Thinking about Cloud?

Everyone is talking about 'the cloud' and 'hosted' telephone systems and telephone services these days.   Wonder what that means for you?

In short, it means you buy your phone service as a monthly subscription.   It's a great fit for a lot of companies but not everyone.   Here's our list:

The Cloud might be good for you if:

-Your have excellent internet access
-You and your people are in multiple locations and/or on the road
-You like having the latest features without having to upgrade
-You like the option of have a desk phone, softphone on your PC or tablet and an App on your mobile phone
-You favor the subscription model
-It's really time to upgrade your tech stack

The Cloud might not be suitable for you if:

-You don't have great internet access
-Everyone is in the office and prefers a desk phone
-Your phone to outside ratio is low (lots of phones, few lines)
-Your needs are basic
-You like to buy your equipment and keep it for a long time

Not sure?   We are happy to talk about it without any sales pressure!